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Can we clone extinct dinosaurs from DNA preserved in their fossils?

Paleontologists and molecular biologists have searched for a couple of decades to find and replicate DNA from some non-avian dinosaur fossil. But to date, no results have been obtained, either from fossil bones or teeth preserved in sediments or from a fossil preserved in amber, as was done in the film, Jurassic Park. To successfully isolate DNA from a long-extinct dinosaur, let alone clone one, scientists would have to overcome numerous serious challenges, including contamination and deterioration of the original DNA. Created by American Museum of Natural History.

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Despite all of what you see in movies and science fiction, and some of its very entertaining, and you know some nice ideas in there, tantalizing ideas, we cannot clone a dinosaur. We cannot create a Jurassic Park. For a number of reasons first there isn't a lot of DNA preserved in the ancient fossils, and that that is, is severely damaged. We're nowhere near ever finding a whole genome for an extinct dinosaur. Maybe in a few years, maybe down the line, we might finally get some really reliable evidence on a DNA sequence from a dinosaur, from some tissue of an ancient dinosaur, but it will only be a tiny, tiny smattering of that huge genome. It could be as many as thirty thousand genes, and we might get a signal from a couple of them, and that certainly won't be enough to clone a dinosaur. So I think the answer to this question is it's impossible to clone a dinosaur.